I'm sure there is a simple answer to this, but I can't seem to figure it out. When adding photos to a project how do you export them with the .shp file?
Best Answer
Petr Voldan
about 4 years ago
Hi Jan,
SHP file format can't contain the photos. Anyway, exported SHP file contains column 'lg_attachment' with relative path to the images. The image files are stored in LocusGIS/projects/your_project/attachments. So you can manually pair the images with the SHPfile features. Anyway this process is quite tricky. For this reason we created the export to QGIS that enable to display data with the attachments directly in QGIS app. Please see https://help.locusgis.com/en/support/solutions/articles/47000380954-export-project-to-qgis
SHP file format can't contain the photos. Anyway, exported SHP file contains column 'lg_attachment' with relative path to the images. The image files are stored in LocusGIS/projects/your_project/attachments. So you can manually pair the images with the SHPfile features. Anyway this process is quite tricky. For this reason we created the export to QGIS that enable to display data with the attachments directly in QGIS app. Please see https://help.locusgis.com/en/support/solutions/articles/47000380954-export-project-to-qgis
Thanks, Petr
F Jan
about 4 years ago
Thanks Petr that was exactly what I was looking for.
Petr Voldan
about 4 years ago
I'm glad to hear it.
Thanks, Petr
Karolína Novotná
over 3 years ago
[CZ] Ahoj, jak prosím udělat manuálně tu cestu k fotce u .shp (pracuji v ArcMap)? Přepsala jsem to na cestu k fotce v mém počítači a stále se mi tam fotka po kliknutí na bod neukazuje (což předpokládám má).
F Jan
I'm sure there is a simple answer to this, but I can't seem to figure it out. When adding photos to a project how do you export them with the .shp file?
Hi Jan,
SHP file format can't contain the photos. Anyway, exported SHP file contains column 'lg_attachment' with relative path to the images. The image files are stored in LocusGIS/projects/your_project/attachments. So you can manually pair the images with the SHPfile features. Anyway this process is quite tricky. For this reason we created the export to QGIS that enable to display data with the attachments directly in QGIS app. Please see https://help.locusgis.com/en/support/solutions/articles/47000380954-export-project-to-qgis
Thanks, Petr
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Sorted by Oldest FirstPetr Voldan
Hi Jan,
SHP file format can't contain the photos. Anyway, exported SHP file contains column 'lg_attachment' with relative path to the images. The image files are stored in LocusGIS/projects/your_project/attachments. So you can manually pair the images with the SHPfile features. Anyway this process is quite tricky. For this reason we created the export to QGIS that enable to display data with the attachments directly in QGIS app. Please see https://help.locusgis.com/en/support/solutions/articles/47000380954-export-project-to-qgis
Thanks, Petr
F Jan
Thanks Petr that was exactly what I was looking for.
Petr Voldan
I'm glad to hear it.
Thanks, Petr
Karolína Novotná
[CZ] Ahoj, jak prosím udělat manuálně tu cestu k fotce u .shp (pracuji v ArcMap)? Přepsala jsem to na cestu k fotce v mém počítači a stále se mi tam fotka po kliknutí na bod neukazuje (což předpokládám má).
Petr Voldan
[CZ] Ahoj, SHP nenese informaci o příloze a nelze ji přímo otevřít. Proto je nutné v LocusGIS použít export do QGIS a následně pomocí "Actions/Akce" v QGISu vyvolat zobrazení příloh. Postup je popsán v https://help.locusgis.com/en/support/solutions/articles/47000380954-export-project-to-qgis
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Petr Voldán
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